23 July 2012

Stoking Fearmongering Ahead of London Olympics

America's "war on terror" never ends. Neither does Britain's. After London was named host for this year's summer games, terrorist fears were stoked. Former Australian/UK British civil servant Peter Ryan performs security consulting services. He's advising the International Olympic Committee on London preparations. His consultancy thrives on hyped threats, real or otherwise. After the city was named host in 2005, he told organizers to "think the unthinkable." Besides other advice, he said: "You are not just thinking about football hooligans, getting drunk in a pub and causing trouble." "You are dealing with a different animal, completely new threats - suicide bombers and protecting the critical infrastructure. You cannot have a power station going down and all the lights going out." He said athletes' food and water supplies must be protected. Check for poisons, he advised.

Original Page: http://www.FreedomsPhoenix.com/Article/115408-2012-07-23-stoking-fear-ahead-of-london-olympics.htm?EdNo=001&From=RSS

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