31 July 2012

Monsanto defrauded GM corn field workers, lawsuit claims

Monsanto, the most evil corporation in the world (http://www.naturalnews.com/030967_Monsanto_evil.html), is the subject of yet another lawsuit in which plaintiffs claim the agri-giant lied to them and ripped them off. Courthouse News Service (CNS) reports that Monsanto recently recruited several agricultural workers in Texas with promises of high pay and free housing, but instead tricked them into working for pittance, and living in substandard housing equivalent to that found in third-world countries.

And does this surprise anyone? I only wonder if the low commensuration for laborers is due to efforts to make greater profits, or a sign that the giant is trying to cut operational costs out of necessity. If the latter, maybe the weight of the giant will be what brings it down. 

Jose Cardenas and several others say that, back in 2010, they were recruited for agricultural work near the Texas border town of McAllen by a company known as Milo Inc., which was in cahoots with Monsanto. Cardenas and at least seven others were told that if they agreed to work in Monsanto's genetically-modified (GM) corn fields in Indiana, they would receive free housing with kitchens, and would be paid $80 per acre for de-tasseling "Frankencorn."

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