06 July 2012

On the One Percent and Healthcare

Why do so many fall into the false paradigm of class warfare? Do so many truly believe that by taxing the rich we can resolve the problems caused by giving the government more resources to squander inefficiently? Do so few understand that state interventionism is the problem, and that increasing its scope and authority will have negative effects rather than positive? 

Why don't we just abolish taxes and let the government fend for itself? 

Healthcare was cheaper and better before government interventionism ruined it, just as with everything else it touches. Allowing the state more authority over this market has consistently increased costs and decreased quality. Why are so many ignoring reality?

Taxation creates unemployment. Subsidization in turn increases costs. Moving services to the public sector increases inefficiency and promotes abuse, as there is no market profit to maintain a necessary balance. 

What disturbed me the most is that people generally fall for the false left-right paradigm and focus more on fighting perceptions an failing to understand the market forces which move industries and our economy. I so many people believe out economy is broken? Why do most of them stop at simply complaining about. Why not learn economics and understand the actual root causes of these problems, rather than focus on the results and fail to grasp even the basics? 

Increasing the tax burden on any one segment (or all segments for that matter) will only encourage increased waste and spending while continuing to ignore the fact that government interventionism through regulation and taxation of markets is what has brought us to the precipice. 

An eye for an eye makes the world blind as Gandhi said. Anyone who believes that more government is the answer for too much government is being willfully ignorant. Using the state's monopoly on force to inflict the will of any segment of society on the whole is not a solution, but a propagation of the problem. We are harming ourselves when we try to use the state to harm others. 

Left and Right are both Wrong. (still)

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