05 March 2012

They’re Picking Us Off, One-By-One!

Hage, Hiatt, Webb, Kelo, Strouss, Miller, Amos, Sackett, Lakin and Kilpatrick are just a few of the names of the tens of thousands of Americans who have had to fight alone against government abuse, arrogance and irrational and draconian laws, passed by out-of-touch lawmakers that don't read the bills they pass, or take the time to determine whether those new laws, or even all the old ones, are constitutional. Or, they had to fight against government agents working under the color of law with no legal authority, or in some cases, actually breaking the law. The government and special interests know that most Americans won't or can't fight back. They just go on their merry way as if the general population doesn't exist and for the most part, it doesn't.

And if you don't think that government does whatever it pleases, view this "Fox News" segment on AIG, Goldman Sachs, Timothy Geithner, current Treasury Secretary under Obama and Hank Paulson, previous Treasury Secretary under Bush, during the financial meltdown in 2008. Talk about double dealing with the public treasury, someone or several someone's should go to jail, but it isn't likely that they will.

More: http://bonfiresblog.wordpress.com/2012/03/05/theyre-picking-us-off-one-by-one

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