05 July 2012

Nullify Obamacare Individual Mandate

There are so many ways that Obamacare was and is wrong. If its a tax, the Supreme Court can not hear the case until after it has been levied, which would be a few years from now. Under the Commerce Clause, it is not Constitutional to tax citizens for not participating in commerce. Any way you cut it, this legislation is bad for consumers. At best, it will increase inefficiencies and costs to taxpayers. At worst, public healthcare collapses and proves free markets are a more practical and cost-effective alternative to public choices, especially where there is no choice for the public. Even Congress exempted itself, which speaks volumes. 

Under the Tenth Amendment, we already have 26 states opposing and leaning toward nullification this law, or tax, or whatever. Any way you look at it, government interventionism into health care only leads to a less than optimal result. 

Even Obama can't decide which it is. Or isn't. 

Even Oklahoma gets it:

OKLAHOMA CITY – State Rep. Mike Ritze plans to reintroduce a bill to "nullify" the individual mandate in the 2010 federal health care legislation in Oklahoma.

"I disagree with the Supreme Court's ruling and believe that state governments were intended to serve as a check on the federal government," said Ritze, R-Broken Arrow. "The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which is better known as ObamaCare, is an example of federal overreach and my legislation will authorize the state to resist it and ban the enforcement of it."

Ritze said his legislation would authorize the Oklahoma attorney general to defend citizens who fail to purchase health insurance against the federal government and criminalizes the enforcement of the individual mandate.

"My hope is that ObamaCare will be repealed, but I do not think that means we have to wait for the repeal to happen. Oklahoma lawmakers should do what they can to support our choice to make our own health care decisions," Ritze said.



Nullify in YOUR state. Contact your state reps and urge them to introduce the Nullification Act NOW. Or push them to pre-file for the 2013 legislative session. They Need to hear from you early AND often!

Get the model legislation here

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