25 July 2012

Bitch on a Donut Run

This goes out to Christopher Titus. Keep helping to wake up the sheeple. 

Let me start out by saying that Left and Right are both wrong. 

Now, on to the news. 
Another increasingly-rare, yet ever-increasingly-reported instance of violence against innocent fellow sheeple in a gun free zone led to the loss of twelve lives in Colorado last week. If anyone doubts that gun laws are effective, they only have to discount reality, heavily. Like buy-one-get-ten-free discounted. 

Does anyone believe that just because statistical data shows gun ownership is increasing, while violent crime is decreasing, could actually correlate? Does anyone believe making something illegal makes it go away, or that someone else enjoyed that something without hurting anyone else? Wow, crimes with no victims? Sounds like fascism in full swing...
There are always generally more laws, it's what keeps politicians in business. Despite increasing volumes of convoluted and unconstitutional laws impeding natural, human rights, somehow people are still violent against each other, on occasion. It's in the genes. 

We died before we were born and we waste the time we have been spared to live. No wonder so many collapsitarians believe we won't survive. 

The definition of a criminal is one who commits an act of crime. I thought it was a simple premise as well, I fear few can muster that level of cognitive disention. It's like winning by default; I'm still a loser. 

Fight for your fucking lives people. Lest it no longer be yours when you wish to exercise the free will upon which you allowed encroachment, albeit rather slowly. We the People hold the final power to nullify bad law and despotic regimes. ...then they came for me and there was no one left...

And if some evil fucktard zombie jumps out and starts doing harm to others? Get some live tactical experience. And take responsibility for the safety of you and those near you. Law enforcement is not responsible for public safety, they react to criminal breaches of the peace. And remember kids, when seconds and lives matter, police are only minutes away...

It's a hell of a lot better than being someone's BITCH ON A DONUT RUN. 

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