28 July 2011

Why aren’t we seeing a jobs recovery? Maybe it’s ObamaCare’s fault


So you're wondering why the "recovery" stalled?  Well we all know that correlation is not causation, but this sure looks suspicious doesn't it?


So looking at the chart, we see job growth starting to pick up at an average of 67,000 a month.  Not earth shattering, but much better than the average (ten times less) after the passage of ObamaCare.
Why, people wonder, would something like that happen with the passage of a bill that is supposed to improve health care and make it cheaper to boot?  Wouldn't that encourage people to hire and expand.
Well … no.  Because we had to pass the bill to find out what was in the bill.  And what we've found out is none to pleasing.

Couldn't agree more.  I've seen any number of people saying "yeah, repeal it" but then asking "what are you going to replace it with"?
Uh, personal responsibility?  How about we try that for a change?   It is each citizen's job to care for themselves and do (and pay for) those things necessary to see that they aren't a burden on the rest of the citizenry.
What a concept, huh?

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