27 July 2011

Consequences Of No US Debt Deal Spelt Out


Going Flat Black

When I look at all of the potential ways our economy is headed down the crapper, I can only think about being prepared for the worst. Here are my suggestions, take them at face value. You get what you pay for, as they say. Think simple. Do you have food for now and a way to grow more for the future? Do you have water for now and a way to collect or purify in the future? Do you have the means to protect what you have from those willing to take it from you?

The United States remains on course to default on its debt for the first time in history in six days time, as politicians continue to squabble over the answer. There are signs the American public is growing increasingly frustrated that the White House and Congress cannot strike a deal.

And stock markets around the world are watching closely, with credit ratings agencies threatening to downgrade America's AAA-rating unless a significant solution to the debt and deficit crisis is found.

Officials from two of those agencies, Moody's and Standard and Poor's, are due to address a congressional hearing later today.

So far, all attempts at compromise among the Republican-controlled House, the Democratic-run Senate and President Barack Obama have failed.

The President and Speaker of the House John Boehner have repeatedly clashed, with Mr Obama refusing to accept a plan that would effectively put off the debate for six months, saying that would fail to provide stability to the US economy . . . . . . .

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