30 July 2011

Get Out of the Way and Let the Lemmings Jump

Pay Attention to Government Statistics At Your Own Risk. Feel sorry for anyone who still pays attention to any government economic statistics.

No, I don't think I will. There is a point where even a lemming is responsible for it's own existence. It is understandable that so many follow whatever the media tells them when it's the only resource they know. When those lemmings are constantly lied to by both the government and the media, there is a point where one is forced to take a step back and say What The Fuck. If the ship is going down, and it is, I'm getting out of the way, helping those who are cognitive enough to know that they have to save themselves, and I'm not going to get in the way of millions of lemmings.

The Dollar Vigilante You sure don’t see too many idiots on TV talking about green shoots anymore… whatever happened to that? After two years of “recovery”, does anyone see anything like a recovery in any of the unemployment figures (the blue line being reality and the red line being the government propaganda)? Oh, that’s okay, they say, it’s just one of those pesky “jobless recoveries”. It’s like the 2008 Detroit Lions who went 0-16. They weren’t bad, they were just winless champions. Pay Attention to Government Statistics At Your Own Risk. Feel sorry for anyone who still pays attention to any government economic statistics. It is pure, unadulterated lies and propaganda, plain and simple. You’d be better off listening to a financial adviser who uses the annual Tooth Fairy survey as a gauge of economic strength. More Here..

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