28 July 2011

Abusing the Power to Tax and Spend


Barack Hussein Obama's refusal to send a Balanced Budget Amendment (BBA) to the states as condition of House Speaker John Boehner's support for raising the national debt ceiling has pushed federal funding negotiations to the precipice of the Treasury Department's 2 August default deadline. Boehner has retreated on the House's "cut, cap and balance" plan and its BBA provision is no longer a stipulation in negotiations. He has also reduced the "cuts" in the House plan, and may acquiesce to the larger debt ceiling increase the Democrats want in order to avoid another debt ceiling battle prior to the 2012 elections.
Notably, most House conservatives, including the Tea Party freshmen, are standing with Boehner, choosing a pragmatic approach until 2012, when they hope to strengthen their numbers in the House and Senate, and retake the presidency.
The current budget debate was the first serious consideration of a BBA since it was advocated by President Ronald Reagan in the 1980s and later passed by the House as part of the Republican Contract with America in 1995. (At that time, it received 300 votes, including 72 Democrats.)
Now, as then, Leftist Democrats in the Senate have created a formidable gauntlet to its passage because it would severely undermine their power to redistribute wealth, power that is the only assurance of their perpetual re-election. A BBA would sunset their dynasty.
So, where to from here, and what question should conservatives be asking? First, let me offer a brief review of the current budget/debt crisis.


That notwithstanding, what our Constitution authorizes versus what the courts via judicial diktat have since interpreted it to authorize have rendered Rule of Law null and void. The resulting debt crisis is a menacing threat to Liberty.
So, what's the solution?
Thomas Jefferson warned, "To preserve independence ... we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt. We must make our election between economy and Liberty, or profusion and servitude. ... The fore horse of this frightful team is public debt. Taxation follows that, and in its turn wretchedness and oppression."

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