18 July 2011

US Government’s Emerging Dictatorship

"The founders of the USA knew that government would
always be the enemy of freedom. They knew that if it became
easy to pass laws then the freedoms of the Constitution would
be completely undermined by an avalanche of restrictive laws.
To avoid this fate, they installed checks and balances in the
Today, columnist Robert Eugene Simmons Jr. nailed what he
calls "The Soft Dictatorship" gradually overtaking our system
of government. See my very important message below – Mat.

Our founding fathers knew first-hand what it meant to live in
tyranny. They emigrated to avoid it and fought it when it reached
our shores. They experienced how treacherous an out-of-control,
unchecked government can become.
In a scathing assessment of the overarching breach of power by our
President, legislators and government agencies, Simmons writes….

"There is virtually nothing that the executive branch and
regulatory agencies can't do anymore. In fact, some liberal
talkers have outright called for Obama to rule by executive
order and he is heeding their call. When the Cap and Trade bill
became impossible to enact, Obama directed the EPA to
implement provisions similar to the core thrust of the bill
America isn't walking into a mine field; it is already deep
within the field and in mortal peril of having freedom as we
know it perish from the earth."
The article sites many more examples of the emerging soft
dictatorship – many of those issues we have aggressively
addressed over the past few years.
Even in the past few days, we have taken a strong stand against the
Left's plan to spend America into financial irrelevance – or
But "We the People" refuse to allow a dictatorship to emerge
and tyranny to become our rule of law!
For this reason, Liberty Counsel has re-cast what is widely
considered to be the most important single document in American
history – the Declaration of Independence – in today's setting,
reflecting the political and governmental situation in 2011.

We intend to hand deliver a full-color copy of this remarkable
document to every member of Congress, selected members of
the Obama Administration, and anywhere else it can have an
impact! Now just imagine how much more impact this will
have when we inform the recipients that hundreds of thousands
of Americans have endorsed its contents!

Madd, please help us renew true liberty to America
as it was intended by our founding fathers. Click here to read the
entire document below and to sign our comprehensive
"Declaration of Independence 2011."


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