17 February 2012

WWIII, 165 Banks on the Brink of Collapse, Iran’s Nuclear Program...

USAWatchdog.com – The Middle East continues to inch ever closer to a conflict that could turn into World War III. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said, this week, sanctions are not working on Iran; and the U.S. Senate is talking about a "time table" to stop Iran's nuclear program. A new bi-partisan resolution says that containing a nuclear armed Iran is not an option. These are just two more signs that war in the Middle East is approaching. The only question is when?

Lamestream Media are fine towing the State's line on taking out Iran, but never question the motives. What happened to actual journalism? The big media outlets rarely do more than parrot what the politicians feed them anymore...

Meanwhile, the UN condemned Syria for its brutal and deadly crackdown on protesters. The UN and Arab League are calling for Bashar Assad, Syria's leader, to step down. That will not happen without a fight, and Iran and Russia are reportedly continuing to arm Syria. In other news, President Barack Obama released his 2013 budget proposal this week, and it is chocked full of new taxes and cuts to deductions. The budget calls for things like taxes for 401-K plans and health insurance premiums and limits to charitable gifts and other write offs. According to a new report from Senator Rob Portman, the U.S.is set to hit the $16.4 trillion debt ceiling before Election Day. The country is burning $132 billion a month.

I can't believe the US is so grossly inefficient and wasteful. I'm less surprised that lamestream state media have ignored the precarious economic situation...

Slog.com is reporting at least two big banks are planning on a Greek Default by March 23. The only question worth asking after that is who's next–Italy, Spain or Portugal, anyone? Foreclosures are going to spike as a result of the $26 billion "robo-signing" deal. That's what Realtytrac.com reported yesterday. USAWatchdog.com predicted this on Monday. This may be one of the reasons that Thestreet.com is reporting 165 U.S. banks are on the brink of collapse. 

Is the US far behind on a default. How long has it been since it has been able to pay any of it's debt, beyond simply servicing it?

Original Page: http://sgtreport.com/2012/02/wwiii-165-banks-on-the-brink-of-collapse-irans-nuclear-program-and-more-weekly-news-wrap-up/

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