04 November 2011

Italy's Berlusconi Faces Mounting Pressure to Go

Pressure rose on Italy's besieged Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi to quit on Thursday, as rebel deputies from his own center-right party threatened to oppose the government in a vital parliamentary vote next week. With financial markets in turmoil and Italian bonds under heavy fire, calls have been mounting from all sides for Berlusconi to step aside and make way for a new government to handle a crisis that now threatens the whole euro zone. Six former parliamentary loyalists wrote to Berlusconi calling for a new government in a letter published in the daily Corriere della Sera. "Be the backer of a new political phase and a new government," the deputies wrote. One of the deputies, Isabella Bertolini, said the rebels could oppose Berlusconi in a parliamentary vote next Tuesday to sign off the 2010 budget. "We are convinced that a strong political signal will come, otherwise we will see how we will act," she told reporters.

Greece isn't the only nation actively seeking to remove government officials that oppose continuing the banking cartel's efforts. 

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