16 November 2011

Bill O'Reillly - Listen Up If You Don't Think the Feds Are Out of Control

I find that I occasionally agree with Bill "Fuck it, we'll do it live!" O'Reilly, though usually only in part (Transcript follows). He is correct in that the Occupy movement needs to focus on all aspect of economic subversion that benefit at cost to the lower classes, but misses the mark (and opportunity) to make positive motion with his criticism. O'Reilly is definitely in the 99%, but just loses focus as a result of his personal beliefs and anger at the situation. We do need people like this who have the public's attention to help bring increased support against the government, financial industries, and central banking system.

I'm Bill O'Reilly thanks for watching us tonight if you don't believe the federal government's out of control listen up that is a subject of this evening's talking points memo. The federal mortgage agencies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac which set up to give working Americans a shot -- owning a decent home. If you can't get a private mortgage you can turn to Fannie or Freddie for help. The feds don't run those agencies outright but they do provide funding. When Fannie and Freddie went bankrupt a few years ago the government gave them a 156. Billion dollars to keep operating. All told Fannie and Freddie still -- the US taxpayers a whopping 141. Billion. But he gets worse. Now CNN is reporting that executives of Fannie and Freddie are set to receive nearly 100 million dollars in compensation. But 2009 to the end of this year a hundred million bucks. The two CEOs are set to receive about twelve million dollars each for two years were. So my question is simple because I am a simple man. Why aren't the -- lose demonstrating in front of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac certainly the brass or 1% errors and our tax dollars are paying these people. Also they're not gonna pay back -- 141 billion older folks. But they do it's that the lavish salaries and this is why the bloated federal government is hosing all of this is why America now owns fifteen trillion. -- may have Freddie Mac should be -- we can't afford those agencies. We can't afford to pay the executives and yes all working Americans will have a tougher time getting mortgages but again America's broke. We cannot find these things any longer. The hypocrisy here is staggering while the occupiers concentrate on private industry. When money is earned in the marketplace they totally overlooked the largely liberal programs. That have caused so much economic -- This is why the occupied protest is bogus. They don't care about lavish salaries -- feds dole out they want the government to give everybody money. The occupier simply despise the private sector they want the feds to control the content. That next year America's -- gets. Whether to vote for the Democratic Party which largely wants to continue the social justice madness or vote for rather chaotic Republican Party that says. It wants smaller government but -- lewd act -- Certainly President Bush the younger spent an unbelievable amount. The election next year is not about President Obama -- about his opponent. It's about saving the USA. From economic collapse. And some.

Bill O'Reillly - Listen Up If You Don't Think the Feds Are Out of Control - YouTube

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