05 November 2011

Why Should Israel Sacrifice Itself for the Sake of World War III?

ED: Just thought this was an "interesting" analysis. If you research the Cecil Rhodes "Round Table Groups" … Its easy to agree somewhat with this article by Lyndon LaRouche.
Worth posting anyway…

November 3rd, 2011 • 6:59 PM (Sent by email Via Lyndon LaRouche)

For a longer period, but most deafeningly over the past week, all of Israel has been consumed by a high-decibel fight over whether or not that nation should attack Iran. Lyndon LaRouche said Thursday that this Israeli discussion is very useful as long as it's not limited to that, but rather, correctly understood as one current expression of the British empire's difficulties in getting World War III going.

The most recent escalation of this battle occurred when the big Israeli newspaper Yediot Achronot devoted the lead of its last Friday afternoon-Erev Shabbat edition (the equivalent of a US Sunday paper) to a feature by Israel's leading columnist Nahum Barnea, which reported that Prime Minister Netanyahu and Defense Minister Barak had reached a decision to attack Iran, over the opposition of the heads of the intelligence and security services and the military, and were trying to win over just one more member of the 8-man security cabinet so that they could launch that attack.

Barnea went on to describe from his point of view, the twisted personalities of Netanyahu and Barak which would permit them to take a step which would plunge the whole world into nuclear war. Lyndon LaRouche, for his part, said that Netanyahu is a stooge of the British, and that Barak has a weird kind of background and is duplicitous as hell.

Barnea and other Israelis have said that the current heads of the Mossad and the Shin Bet, and the current Chief of Staff of the Israeli Defense Force, all oppose such an attack, as did their three predecessors. But the current heads are younger and less confident,— the question is whether they will be able to override Netanyahu as their predecessors did. Indeed, former Mossad head Meir Dagan and former Shin Bet head Yuval Diskin, who have long made their opposition completely public, have been accused of being the source of the leak from the Cabinet. Ma'ariv has reported that Netanyahu has started an investigation of the leak. In response to a threat of indictment, Dagan said, "let them indict me."

There are some Americans who could learn something from their opposite numbers in Israel on this point. Do they love their country enough to show the same courage?

In a related development, the London Guardian reports that an International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) report due next Monday, will make sensational revelations about Iran's (alleged) nuclear weapons program. Our own sources say the report has no such revelations. It will only repeat the well-worn IAEA charges that because Iran has not turned over every last thing the IAEA has ever demanded, "we still cannot be totally, totally sure" that there is no secret weapons program. More to the point, our sources confirm that the newest US National Intelligence Estimate on Iranian nuclear weapons, completed but never publicly disclosed, repeats the conclusion of the last one: there is no Iranian nuclear weapons program. The earlier report was leaked during the Bush Administration, but Obama's draconian persecution of "whistle-blowers" has prevented leaking of the current version.

This track of an Israeli attack on Iran, in which Obama will join by secret pre-arrangement, is only one part of the British mechanism for triggering World War III in the "new Balkans" of greater Southwest Asia. Another part includes the Libya conquest and massacres; the third leg is regime-change in Syria. It is interesting that Obama and Sarkozy, the fellow-murderers of Qaddafi, have announced a military celebration of the "liberation of Libya" to take place Friday in the chintzy French resort-town of Cannes, immediately after the conclusion of the G-20 Summit there.

Lyndon LaRouche said, "The British want to push Israel into this war. Many Israelis don't want to. This could jam it up. If many Israelis don't want to take the blame for it, then the action the British want becomes uncertain."

But the only sure way to stop it, is to quickly remove Barack Obama from the Presidency.

There are numerous reasons to remove Obama from office, but a suitable candidate for his replacement has yet to appear (other than the obvious: Ron Paul). 

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