01 November 2011

City Of Oakland Warning Businesses To Use ‘Deadbolt Locks’ In Preparation For General Strike

Occupy Oakland has called for a city-wide general strike this Wednesday, which would mark the first general strike in a major American city since 130,000 workers also in Oakland walked off their jobs in 1946. Yesterday evening, the city of Oakland published a special "Merchant and Business Bulletin" in preparation for the general strike. The recommendations for businesses appear to be precautions more fitting for a crime wave than a general strike. The bulletin says that "deadbolt locks" are a "must" for businesses with exterior doors and says that businesses should keep their cash drawer "empty and open after business hours." (HT: @matthewstoller)

Sounds like more fearmongering by the media in an attempt to turn public support away from protestors. Police and governments have already been planting violent infiltrators to try and create a panic, buy most attempts have luckily failed. 

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