08 January 2012

US overthrew Iran’s democracy 1953-1979, armed Iraq to invade 1980-1988, now lies for more war

The focus of this article is to explore the vicious and unlawful history of US intervention in Iran's government. It's from my brief: War with Iraq and Afghanistan, rhetoric for war with Iran.

In 1953, the United States CIA led by one of President Theodore Roosevelt's grandsons, initiated a coup in Iran (Operation Ajax)[8] to remove the democratically elected Prime Minister Mohammed Mossadegh. The Iranian government was understandably dissatisfied with the terms of its contract with the Anglo-Persian Oil Company that allowed British interests to claim 85% of the oil profit from Iran.[9] Iran voted to nationalize the oil industry in 1951 after the British declined to renegotiate the terms. The US-led coup was successful, and the royal monarch, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi,[10] became virtual dictator. Fearing popular reprisal, Pahlavi's government was supported by the CIA in creating the Iranian SAVAK, a vicious secret police for the Shah's dictatorial government.[11] We can only assume that the oil revenue sharing agreement with the Shah was acceptable to the US and UK.

Under the Eisenhower administration, the US cooperated with the Shah's government for the development of Iranian nuclear energy through the "Atoms for Peace" program.[12] President Ford agreed to US full cooperation to help Iran build about two dozen nuclear energy plants. When the Iranian people overthrew the Shah's government in 1979, the US stopped cooperating. The US-backed Iraq in their invasion of Iran in 1980 and throughout the war until 1988, seeking a more US-friendly Iranian government. The US provided Saddam Hussein with the chemical and biological weapons the W. Bush administration later used as justification for invading Iraq.[13] Since 1979, the US has worked to prevent Iran having a nuclear energy program, even under the legal provisions of the NPT, and reneged on a multi-billion dollar contract to deliver nuclear fuel to Iran without refunding Iran's money.[14]


Even Democrat presidents have the potential of being warmongers just like the GOP. 

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