07 January 2012

Lost tribes of Israel - Zion

I'm not personally religious, but I do find it interesting that Jesus was said to have set up a free market against the controlling system I economics use by the Romans. 
The Official Scriptures of the LDS Church coupled with the Scriptures of the lost tribes of Israel, give a perspective on Zion, and I present that perspective in this "lost tribes of Israel - Zion - 101" topic.


The "basis" of the Ancestral Free Enterprise System of the lost tribes of Israel living in the North, established following Jesus Christ's visit to them was this:

The COMMITMENT to live by virtue. (Matthew 22:37)

The values used and known as the "wealth" that operates in Zion (not money), is based on that COMMITMENT, that facilitated the Ancestral Free Enterprise System, That wealth of the Ancestral Free Enterprise System was found on the bookkeeping ledgers kept at the Bishop's Storehouse. Those ledgers were the wealth that facilitated trade, and production quotas at all the uppers level meetings of the Church, as they met at the Hanseatic Parliament and lesser regional/local meetings.

Jesus Christ set up the Free Enterprise System, and it is Zion.

Aristotle explained how the Empire works, and that Empire used Aristotle's words to develop the parasite upon the Free Enterprise System that operates upon Government Fiat.

To me, I would think that Christians everywhere should object to the fiat currency in use today and to the Federal Reserve banks, as well as the financial markets in general. 

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