22 December 2011

Rainwater Collection System Part 1: Intro

This is another interesting setup for rainwater collection, using containers designed for food and drink consumable materials. It's probably a cheaper way to go that what we have done, but I wonder how well the plastic will stand up to UV over time? Given more time to plan a system, I am sure ours would have turned out more effective, maybe even cheaper, but I am happy to have it done and paid for.

Rainwater Collection System Part 1: Intro - YouTube

I can't believe I only just now found LDS Preppers...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Levon,

    I stumbled onto your blog today:

    I couldn’t help but notice that it was linking to an outdated domain: ldspreppers.com. It looks like that website is abandoned.

    Just thought I would help out another blogger. Also, I do have a website that might be interesting to your readers.

