08 November 2011

Obama's High Cost of Higher Education

The high cost of higher education is increased taxpayer burden via federal subsidies. Obama believes that "unilateral" means giving him the power of both the legislative and executive branches of government. This is not a result of Congressional inaction, but a repeat of Truman's opposition to a "do nothing Congress." Screw the Constitution. His efforts are only going to increase education costs in the long run, as the education industry only grows as subsidies do. Obama is feeding a monster instead of fighting it, rather fitting given his record. The president's solution encourages more and more students to go further into debt at a time when jobs are becoming more and more scarce. Increased subsidies? That is no solution. To make education more accessible to more students, reducing overall costs is the goal. Increasing taxpayer burden via subsidies is helping drive the industry closer to a burst of it's bubble, as that debt is unsustainable.

Is Higher Ed Funding Dwindling | Rep. Virginia Foxx | Daily Podcast | Cato Institute: Is

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