07 November 2011

After The Economic Collapse

More people are prepping for economic collapse than ever - and probably more so than any other disaster... Yet there are still detractors who criticize those who are planning to survive an economic crash.

Economic collapse is just as destructive to a nation as an atomic bomb, if not more so. The likelihood of social unrest and the long term implosion of our financial system is greater today than it has been in any other era of American history. ...

The eventuality of an economic collapse should no longer be an arguing point. While our economy has run out of space to maneuver, and events like the anticipated collapse of Greece (with the EU sure to follow) is giving us all view into our own future, preppers and survivalists prepare for any catastrophe.

I am often reminded of the fable of the grasshopper and the ants. The establishment is spending and taxing like its going out of style while those of us who see this as unsustainable are working toward some level of self-reliance. Which are you?

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