02 September 2011

Obamacare Killing Job Growth, Increasing Dependency on Collapsing Economy


Obamacare is an answer to a question that we never asked. Here's the result; employers can't afford it, but many are willing to let the federal government be responsible for health care. The trouble is that the government is not capable of supporting socialized health care during a recession that dips closer and closer to a depression. Our GDP is not high enough to spend surplus on these sort of non-critical needs. Private health care may not be perfect, but if the US runs it we are sure to end up right where Russia was before they collapsed. Unemployment is rising, so the taxpaying base is decreasing. Where will the funds come from? Redistribution of wealth (especially from the working class) is socialism wrapped in a pretty package. It looks good, but contains nothing you want or need.

COMMENTARY | Ohio Sen. Sherrod Brown may soon regret his supportive statements of "Obamacare" and promises he made to constituents. Ohio Issue 3 Health Care Freedom garnered even more supporters after the release of an Associated Press report noting at least every one in 10 employers plan to end workplace health care plans in 2014. Brown make countless speeches and comments during interviews reassuring Ohioans they can keep current insurance coverage even after "Obamacare" defies the constitution and becomes a reality. 

Conservative predictions about the nationalized health care plan are becoming a reality. Republican lawmakers and tea party representatives disputed the continued availability of competitive health care plans once "Obamacare" swoops across the nation.

"We don't need another study to confirm for us what we already know, in order to protect jobs and health care coverage in Ohio, "Obamacare" must be repealed. That begins by passing State Issue 3 in November and ends with retiring Barack Obama and his left-hand man, Sherrod Brown, in 2012," Kevin DeWine, Ohio Republican Party Chairman stated in a press release. 

President Barack Obama may retain bragging right with his far-left base on the health care issue, but American freedom of choice has been eroded. The McKinsey Quarterly offered even more dire figures in the publications health insurance survey. A study conducted in June revealed 30 percent of employers are likely to stop offering workplace insurance packages. The McKinsey figures increased to 50 percent when business owners with a "high awareness of reform" responded to the survey. 

Pledges from Brown and Obama that no one will be forced to purchase the government health care plan were at best incorrect and at worst outright lies. Simple economics and common sense easily lead business owners to the realization that it would be far less expensive to stop offering health care to employees and just let the government take care of medical needs. 

Ohioans may have wanted health care reform but not a boot on their necks forcing them into a government program. Allowing Americans to purchase health insurance across state lines breeds competition, driving costs down. Obama's nationalized program not only erases freedom of choice from the medical arena, but will cost thousands of insurance industry jobs.


These facts don't even address the other big issue; government health care is not within the scope or authority of the federal government. It steps on the rights and freedoms of workers and employers with hopes of providing something that people need, at the expense of our economic recovery. Employers increasing their businesses to more than 50 employees are penalized financially, and substantially. The administration is doing what it does best; kicking the can down the road.

(Reuters) – An appeals court ruled on Friday that President Barack Obama’s healthcare law requiring Americans to buy healthcare insurance or face a penalty was unconstitutional, a blow to the White House.
The Appeals Court for the 11th Circuit, based in Atlanta, found that Congress exceeded its authority by requiring Americans to buy coverage, but also ruled that the rest of the wide-ranging law could remain in effect.
The legality of the so-called individual mandate, a cornerstone of the healthcare law, is widely expected to be decided by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Obama administration has defended the provision as constitutional.
(Read More)

US went a $1 Trillion into debt to pay for Obamacare. We can't afford it...it would be great if we had that money laying around to do it, but we don't. We are borrowing against our childrens future. I would gladly go uninsured to make sure my kids don't have to pay for it.

Obamacare Survey Reveals Nearly 50 Percent of Employers Will Stop Offering Health Insurance


Propaganda: “No one is going to lose their coverage.” – Obama administration, November 2010
Reality: Firms to cut health plans as reform starts: survey; 30% of companies say they’ll stop offering coverage – MarketWatch, June 2011

Propaganda: Obamacare will lower premiums, save money! – Peter Orszag, November 2010
Reality: Out-of-pocket medical expenses skyrocketing, May 2011

Propaganda: You can’t seriously question the constitutionality of Obamacare! – Nancy Pelosi, October 2009
Reality: The constitutional challenges keep on coming. Latest from Richard Epstein and Mario Loyola in the WSJ today:

The ravages of Obamacare “reform,” continued


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