01 September 2011

Heinberg and Kaku Talk About Energy and Collapse

Dr. Michio Kaku talks with Dr. Richard Heinberg on his new book and the collapse of society due to decline in energy sources. Alternative energies are not necessarily practical based on the source of the incoming energy creating the alternative energy source.

Guests Dr. Richard Heinberg on Society in Collapse, and Eris Assadorian on the State of the World

Exploration, with Dr. Michio Kaku, on the Progressive Radio Network podcast

Man has relied upon fossil fuels to create a complex and expanding society. As those sources decline, so will industrial civilization and the growing human population. 6.5 billion people are only sustainable if energy is available and affordable to support that population. We already see conflicts across the earth over natural resources. To survive a collapse, the world needs to work together to reduce dependency, rather than fight the addiction to cheap energy.

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