With the lack of legitimate attacks against the state, federal agencies have stepped up to the plate by promoting attacks against the state. Every
news state media propaganda outlet
has reported on the attempt to blow up the New York branch of the Federal Reserve Bank:
A Bangladeshi national was taken into custody after
allegedly assembling and attempting to detonate what he believed to be a
1,000-pound bomb. FBI agents supplied him with phony components.
In the real world, any prevention of the destruction of property or loss of life is to be commended. Except when those charged with keeping the peace are enabling individuals and groups to do exactly what they are supposed to be preventing. At least the state agencies are finally using blanks instead of live ammo. I guess that's a small step in the right direction...
I can no more convince another person to do anything using just words
than most people, which is why the feds have to resort to creating the
entire situation themselves, mostly to justify the existence of the
agency. Creating these situations has been the only way they can
maintain job security.
Quazi Nafis had made no real effective steps toward the realization of his goal of the destruction of the Wall Street Stock Exchange, but with a little encouragement and guidance from the peacekeepers in government, and a truckload of fake explosives and technology, his dreams of martyrdom were realized with the help of taxpayer dollars and a
false flag event against the Fed. Just think; without the assistance of the state, he would have just stayed at home and complained about the government like the rest of us. The FBI ran the entire operation like theater, with Nafis being the unwitting actor in the play. Alex Thomas over at the Intel Hub
Sticking to a now utterly predictable narrative, the man never
actually posed a threat to any building or person due to the fact that
the FBI themselves had given him the bomb.
That’s right, the corporate media and the government are now having a
hay day, once again promoting the terrorist narrative and drumming up
sympathy for the privately run Federal Reserve, even as they openly
continue their destruction of America.
Authorities emphasized that the plot never posed an actual risk.
However, they claimed the case demonstrated the value of using
sting operations to neutralize young extremists eager to harm Americans.
If the government prevented a potential incident, they are also party to the crime, as most of the planning and execution came from federal agents rather than Nafis himself. How can the government honestly promote itself as the protector when it's agents themselves create the situations whereby these situations find the traction needed to escalate?
Glen Greenwald hits the nail on the head in his dissection of these efforts against to promote fear through misinformation by creating and then defusing it's own terror plots time after time:
The FBI has received substantial criticism over the past decade —
much of it valid — but nobody can deny its record of excellence in
thwarting its own Terrorist plots. Time and again, the FBI concocts a
Terrorist attack, infiltrates Muslim communities in order to find
recruits, persuades them to perpetrate the attack, supplies them with
the money, weapons and know-how they need to carry it out — only to
heroically jump in at the last moment, arrest the would-be perpetrators
whom the FBI converted, and save a grateful nation from the plot
manufactured by the FBI.
I believe this falls under entrapment in the language of law, but language is often changed to suit those in power. Each war the US has been a party to has had a false flag event, from the sinking of the Lusitania to the bombing of Pearl Harbor to 9/11 and many others, there is a clear pattern of circumventing the truth in order to engage in the atrocities of war. Without a clear focus on an enemy beyond simply "terrorists," this new war seems to need a constant flow of these events to prevent it from collapsing under it's own ineptitude.
Last year, the FBI subjected 19-year-old Somali-American Mohamed Osman Mohamud to months of encouragement, support and money
and convinced him to detonate a bomb at a crowded Christmas event in
Portland, Oregon, only to arrest him at the last moment and then issue a
Press Release boasting of its success. In late 2009,
the FBI persuaded and enabled Hosam Maher Husein Smadi, a 19-year old
Jordanian citizen, to place a fake bomb at a Dallas skyscraper and
separately convinced Farooque Ahmed, a 34-year-old naturalized American
citizen born in Pakistan, to bomb the Washington Metro. And now, the FBI has yet again saved us all from its own Terrorist plot by arresting 26-year-old American citizen Rezwan Ferdaus
after having spent months providing him with the plans and materials to
attack the Pentagon, American troops in Iraq, and possibly the Capitol
Building using “remote-controlled” model airplanes carrying explosives.
None of these cases entail the FBI’s learning of an actual plot and
then infiltrating it to stop it. They all involve the FBI’s purposely
seeking out Muslims (typically young and impressionable ones) whom they
think harbor animosity toward the U.S. and who therefore can be induced
to launch an attack despite having never taken even a single step toward doing so before the FBI targeted them. Each time the FBI announces it has disrupted its own plot, press coverage is predictably hysterical (new Homegrown Terrorist caught!),
fear levels predictably rise, and new security measures are often
implemented in response (the FBI’s Terror plot aimed at the D.C. Metro,
for instance, led to the Metro Police announcing a new policy of random searches of passengers’ bags).
It wouldn't be the first false flag, nor will it likely be the last...