America is about to be destroyed by debt. And we're acting like it's business as usual.
In the push to resolve America's impending debt crisis, much has been done to ensure politically favorable positions for those engaged in the debt talks, and the possibility of a default has been addressed in largely academic terms, with complete disregard for the gruesome realities a default implies. Our leaders are living in a fantasy world, indulging in partisan gamesmanship, concerned only about their reelections. The time has come for our leaders to be Americans first, and do what needs to be done to save us from collapse.
America lives on borrowed time because its politicians are more concerned about reelection than saving the nation that guarantees their public offices. There was a time when the safety of America wasn't a Republican or Democrat "viewpoint," but a transcendent value that united all blessed to live in this land, no matter the race, religion, or political point of view. But there is still hope. We are brothers and sisters, part of the same legacy of freedom. Do we really want it to end this way? One thing is certain: default must be stopped at all costs. The time for political posturing is past. Let's be Americans.
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