29 September 2011

Transition Towards Sustainability

One thing to consider about how the usage of energy sources affects our lives is what is a necessity in life and what is an attribute of modern, unnecessary convenience? Along with working toward sustainable energy usage, there should also be some consideration of what our needs in life actually are. Do we really need to live at the point of high technology, or can we survive in harmony with our environment, but living a more simple life.

One effort around the world is the Transition Movement. The original Transition Network in the UK worked toward localizing sustainable efforts to reduce energy consumption, pollution, and waste. The Transition US movement joins localized groups around the world working independently toward common goals. I have experienced modern technology, a fast-paced life, and the rewards of working in modern industries, but find myself thinking that focusing on life's basic necessities is a higher priority in my book that buying the latest tech toy or new car. One reason that we have such issues with pollution and energy consumption is that we are taking in the ideas marketed to us that we need to have things that are not necessary in our survival.

Transition is a movement to prioritize our needs in life and reduce our impact on our environment. Together with separate movements like Zeitgeist and Collapse Network, with similar goals, more and more people are not only recognizing the need to make positive changes, but making those changes in local communities. Some groups and individuals focus on environmental impact, others focus on changing public policies and law, but movements and organizations like these are helping to bring sustainability to our world before we run the tank dry.

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