16 September 2011

NYC Puppet Mayor Bloomberg says there will be riots in the streets if Jobs aren’t created

Bloomberg comparing revolt in Cairo and Madrid to the state of affairs in america might be what we actually need. Those nations have rebelled against tyrannical governments hellbent on denying natural rights of their citizens and allowing corruption to infiltrate government at all levels. If he's worried that could happen here, that's because he is a part of the problem; elitism. 

It seems like the walls are starting to tumble down in the world of politics. The Puppet Mayor of NYC Bloomberg seems to be adding fuel to the fire by suggesting that there will be riots in the streets of NYC if no jobs are created. As the Mayor of the city you would think bloomberg wouldn't want to put ideas into the unemployed of the city. It seems as if Bloomberg has been told to add fuel to the fire so that NYC will erupt into violence. The collapse of America grows ever closer.


Mayor Bloomberg warned Friday there would be riots in the streets if Washington doesn't get serious about generating jobs. "We have a lot of kids graduating college, can't find jobs," Bloomberg said on his weekly WOR radio show. "That's what happened in Cairo. That's what happened in Madrid. You don't want those kinds of riots here." In Cairo, angry Egyptians took out their frustrations by toppling presidential strongman Hosni Mubarak – and more recently attacking the Israeli embassy.

As for Madrid, the most recent street protests were sparked by widespread unhappiness that the Spanish government was spending millions on the visit of Pope Benedict instead of dealing with widespread unemployment. "The damage to a generation that can't find jobs will go on for many, many years," the normally-measured mayor said.

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