18 September 2011

Oil Rigs and Energy Sustainability

Off-shore oil drilling is a massive system that few people truly can wrap their heads around. We can go down to the coast and look out and see an occasional oil rig in the distance, thinking that there are a few out there. The reality is that oil companies are in high gear, working to extract every last drop they can from the Earth to feed consumer wants (not needs). Deepwater Horizon was a horrible tragedy, but the odds that something like it was going to happen were in it's favor.

There were around 3,700 oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico alone in the early part of last year. The volume of oil being extracted is as far from sustainable as you can imagine. One of the things that the majority of people do not understand is how energy from natural resources is interconnected to population growth and global economies. Without cheap energy, our way of life is not sustainable. Being able to recognize the stark reality of this situation is what is driving so many people and companies to find alternative solutions for energy that are sustainable as well as reduce the negative impact on our environment. If our collective energy needs can be reduced and those sources replaced with more practical solutions for future efficiencies, our survival and way of life can be assured.
Farron Cousins | The Ticking Time Bombs In The Gulf of Mexico

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