23 December 2011

Sustainable Cooking with the Sun's Energy


Texas Solar Cookers is a loosely organized group of solar cookers whose goal is to educate the general public about the benefits of solar cooking. This is accomplished via solar cooking demonstrations at environmental events across south and central Texas. The group also holds occasional meetings to hone their solar cooking skills, share information, and plan for upcoming demonstrations. Monica Salyer, along with her husband Ralph Salyer, are the group's founders, and the main contacts.

There is a wide variety of solar cooker designs, many of them very simple to build from inexpensive, easy-to-obtain materials. Some can be built in as little as an hour for less than US$5. Start by choosing a cooker design type based on your requirements. The table below lists strengths and weaknesses of the most common types, and shows some popular cookers of each type. Below each table are all cooker plans of that cooker type. You can also buy a solar cooker from a variety of companies.

Texas Solar Cookers - Solar Cooking

The Sport cooks almost every type of food: bakes/stews all meats, poultry and fish; steams vegetables; bakes breads, cakes and cookies; cooks rice, beans, lentils, and pasta. It is specially designed to maintain steady, moderate (210-260 F) cooking temperatures that produce tender, tasty and healthy foods without burning. The Sport is like a “solar crock pot.” Because no extra water is added, the flavors and vitamins in the food are not leached out or diluted and flavors blend deliciously.

Solar Oven Society

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