22 December 2011

Making Penicillin at Home

I consider this a major issue because there will be a much larger incidence of infections when people have to fend for themselves, and injure themselves as a result. Simple cuts and scratches from chopping wood can begin to show infection, in the form of redness, heat and swelling, within a relatively short time. Treatment of infections at an early stage improves the chance that they will heal quickly and completely. However, many preppers, being the rugged type, are most likely to ignore the problem until it get much worse and spreads to their entire body, causing problems that could eventually be fatal. Having antibiotics readily available would allow them to deal with the issue until medical help (if available at all) arrives.
Of course, I’ve mentioned using aquarium antibiotics as a simple and relatively cheap way to get good quantities of various antibiotics. Since the only ingredient in these medications is the antibiotic itself, it’s a perfectly reasonable alternative to begging your physician for a bunch of prescriptions. Once in a while, I get someone who wants to know how to make penicillin (it’s just bread mold, ain’t it?). It’s true that penicillin is a by-product of a fungus known as penicillium and the fungus will indeed grow on bread and fruit. In 1942, A moldy cantaloupe in Peoria, Illinois was found to have a strong version of it. Most of the world’s supply of the stuff in the 1940s came from cultures of the fungus on that cantaloupe.
Well, our good friend The Covert Prepper has sent me the secret formula for making penicillin at home. If you haven’t listened in on his show on Saturdays, you’re missing something, because this guy is an expert on making you invisible as a prepper. This is exactly what you will want to be if a collapse situation occurs. You can tune in to his show every Saturday at 6pm eastern/5pm central or download it at your convenience at prepperpodcast.com.
This article will tell you how you can actually make Penicillin at home. It sure as heck isn’t easy, and WE don’t even have all the stuff necessary to produce it. But I’m going to tell you the process anyway to illustrate an important point.
Let me say, once again, that this information is only for use in a post-collapse scenario, so don’t go and convert that meth lab of yours to an antibiotic factory. The practice of medicine without a license is illegal just about everywhere, and home laboratories are dicey legal subject matter.
Penicillin is a by-product of the Penicillium fungus, but the thing is, it’s a by-product of a Penicillium fungus that’s under stress! So you have to grow the fungus, and then expose it to stresses that will make it produce Penicillin.
First you need to produce a culture of the penicillium fungus. - A microbiological culture is a method of multiplying microscopic organisms by letting them reproduce in a certain environment under controlled conditions
So you can try to do all of the stuff I mentioned, or….you can google search "aquarium antibiotics" and buy fish-Pen (250mg) or Fish-Pen Forte (500mg) online. 100 tablets go for about 39.99 at the lower dose and 49.99 for the higher dose. Buy as much as you can afford, there is no prescription necessary. $400 will buy you 1000 tablets to save or to use for barter. It seems like a lot of money, but those antibiotics will be like gold in a collapse situation.
It’s clear to me that every prepper should have a stockpile of antibiotics (several varieties) in their storage, and should learn what each one is used for. If you don’t want to buy fish medicine, at least grow plants that have some antibacterial action. Garlic has scientifically proven antibacterial properties. Other plants that are thought to be helpful would be calendula (a special type of marigold), goldenseal, cayenne pepper, eucalyptus and thyme.
For more info, download Dr Bones and Nurse Amy Show #7 or look up my article on survivalblog.com from 7/28/10. (A doctor's thoughts on antibiotics, expiration dates and TEOTWAWKI).

Making Penicillin at Home - LDS Preppers

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