15 July 2011

They're just gonna shoot the hostage anyway...

So Obama held a gun to grandma's social security check on TV the other night.

Which is funny, because a bunch of us have been trying to point out that there's been a great big cannon pointed at it all along. As Brian J. Noggle puts it:
It would be a good exercise in imagination for those who receive these giveaways to think about what they would do if those benefits actually stopped. And I don't mean "stopped" in the sense of "went on furlough for a couple weeks or months, only to come back with additional sugar to make up the shortfall." I mean, what if the Tea Party people are right and this rate of expenditure is unsustainable and eventually the huckster's constant motion machine falls to a pile of gears and pistons. Then what will they do?

The free money pipeline's getting cut off one way or another, sooner or later. The only question is do we want to try and dead-stick this bird in, or do we just let it fly out of control and do a Texas Lawn Dart?

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