03 November 2011

Obama Likely Just Delivery Boy of Troop Withdrawal News

As the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq moves forward, a new poll shows that a resounding percentage of Americans agree with President Barack Obama's move.

Gallup's Wednesday report finds that three-quarters of all Americans approve of Obama's decision to withdraw troops by the end of the year. On party lines, 96 percent of Democrats and 77 percent of independents support the president's stance. Even on the Republican side of the aisle, 43 percent of the 992 individuals surveyed sided with the president.

Those figures fail to line up with recent criticisms levied by GOP candidates. When Obama announced that he was drawing down the military presence in Iraq, GOP hopeful Mitt Romney cast the move as a political decision.

I don't expect this to be the first campaign promise that Obama keeps. This is more likely a result of our failing economy, ever-increasing debt, and an unchecked DoD budget. 


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