05 November 2011

Jesse Ventura, angered by ‘Fascist States of America,’ is ‘thinking about’ run for president

Former Gov. Jesse Ventura assailed what he called the "Fascist States of America" after a federal judge threw out his lawsuit against the government's use of body searches at airport security.

"This is the lockdown of America going on," he told reporters in front of the federal building in St. Paul at noon today. "Our judicial system in our country today is a bunch of cowards."

He posited that the only way he might change things would be to run for president as an Independent.

Is he considering doing that?

"I'm thinking about it," he said, "that's all, though."

He also said that he and "the first lady," Terry Ventura, were considering applying for dual citizenship with Mexico, where they live.

In dismissing Ventura's lawsuit Thursday, U.S. District Judge Susan Richard Nelson didn't address its merits, but rather said she lacked jurisdiction to hear the case.

She wrote that challenges to Transportation Security Administration orders such as the one Ventura opposes can be heard only in a federal court of appeals.

Asked whether he would appeal, Ventura said, "Why bother? I want a trial by jury."

He vowed never to fly again commercially or stand for the national anthem.

"I have lost my patriotism. It is gone," Ventura said. "Because they've stripped me of it by not allowing me to have my day in court."

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