09 September 2012

Nikola Tesla speaks out about 9/11 and Iraq

On September 10th the USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) in the straits of Hormoz chopped (turned around), went to Battle Condition II, and prepared to invade Iraq. The order to stand down came 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed at free fall speed and turned largely to dust. [1]

I know those who think that the 9/11 truthers are crazy will dismiss this, but stay with it, it gets interesting. 

The USS Carl Vinson was in the Persian Gulf with orders to invade Iraq. Logic would dictate the invasion would go forward when the buildings collapsed and not be called off.

The same USS Carl Vinson that allegedly lowered Bin Laden's body into the sea after he was killed by Navy SEALs on May 2, 2011. [2]

What's going on here? I tried the World Wide Web but couldn't find any answers.

So I got out my Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, delivered before The Sharper Image and our way of life filed for bankruptcy and Googled "Who can I interview that can tell me why the invasion of Iraq was called off 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed at free fall speed and turned largely to dust?

The Matrix Mind-ray returned the following results: Donald Rumsfeld, Dick Cheney, George W. Bush, Alex Jones, and Nikola Tesla.

Rumsfeld, Cheney and Bush already lied about 9/11 and Alex Jones is a Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor CIA Disinformation Agent. [3]

Tesla, it seems, designed the interplanetary magnifying transmitting tower in the Matrix Mind-ray Scanner, so I set the device on "Interview" and selected Nikola Tesla.

Singer: Nikola Tesla, can you hear us?

Tesla: Yes, you are coming in loud and clear.

Singer: Mr. Tesla did you know that you are now among the 100 most famous people to have lived in the last 1,000 years? Tesla Memorial Society of New York

Tesla: I am humbled, to say the least.

Singer: Mr. Tesla, can you explain why the invasion of Iraq was called off 5 hours after the 2nd tower collapsed at free fall speed and turned largely to dust?

Tesla: The Invasion of Iraq (the cradle of civilization) was cancelled because 9/11 was a Metaphysical Test of the Earth's energy.

Singer: Huh?

Tesla: The Powers That Be or TPTB, armed with the lost knowledge from the ancient world, Atlantis, are in a metaphysical struggle and are using humans to weaken the Earth with environmental damage and pollution. 9/11 was a Metaphysical Catechism (a test) to determine if the Earth was weakened enough to take over and start a New World Order on 9/12/2001.


More: http://www.thepeoplesvoice.org/TPV3/Voices.php/2012/09/09/nikola-tesla-speaks-out-about-9-11-and-i#more22508

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