28 September 2012

Matt Damon producing Anti-Fracking Movie

Matt Damon's Anti-Fracking Movie Goes Full Conspiracy Theory


Matt Damon's new anti-fracking film is called "Promised Land," but it doesn't look as if the film will ever get there. In fact, Damon's revised script seems to be wandering in the desert with hopes of receiving manna from Oscar-heaven fading.
"Promised Land" tells the story of one man caught between his hometown values and his job working for the oil and gas industry. The subtext is the ongoing political battle over fracking, i.e. hydraulic fracturing, a method of extracting gas from shale which has led to a boom in gas production around the country.

Most people don't understand this process, especially the hair-obsessed people in the news media.

If you were the worst terrorist in the world, 1000 times more evil than Osama Bin Laden, and wanted to poison the entire country, the best thing you could possibly do, is drill a bunch of holes, into the water table, and puncture the complex networks of aquifers that provide irrigation to all your crops and supply all your drinking water, and pour toxic chemicals into it.

Supposedly what makes fracking safe, is that, after they drill through and puncture your water aquifer, they supposedly seal the drill hole up (or mabye they don't, depending on how profitable it is, you will never know whether they did or not)


More: http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t915926/

The author goes on with some ignorant racial biased opinions, but that's what they offer up over at the Stormfront...

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