25 August 2011

Communism Evolving into Democratic Socialism

There was a time when Americans stood up against socialism, when being a socialist or communist in America was a crime.The post-war 1950's lead to a witch hunt and many wrongful accusations of communist ties to Americans, but it made clear a position that America was a free land, and would not play host to efforts to Soviet conspirators. Those Cold War concerns regarding state secrets are a fading memory and no longer a threat, but the communism that failed in Russia and lead to it's collapse is rearing it's ugly head in the form of socialism in Liberal and Democratic circles.

Maybe this is how Russia planned to win the Cold War all along, via infectious mentalities. But socialism has only ever been practical on paper. Where has socialism succeeded for all citizens and not been a method for elite to pillage?
All around us, there are imminent and ominous threats to the future of American Liberty. None, however, is more grave than the demolition of free enterprise by those who would replace it with the authoritarian rule of Democratic Socialism envisioned by Barack Hussein Obama and his leftist comrades.

Rancorous political debate is currently focused on competing solutions for our failing domestic economy and the collapse of our esteemed standing among the nations of the world.


Conservatives, particularly those resolute constitutional constructionists who identify with the much-maligned Tea Party Movement, rightly understand, as did Ronald Reagan, that "government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." That is why we are advocating for the restoration of constitutional limits on the central government.
There was a time when Americans would have taken up arms against commies coming to take advantage of our hard working ethics. The double-edged sword that is our constitutional freedom has also given those with the will to destroy our freedom a way to take over our government, forcing their will through legislation upon the People. But looking back at Russia and many other societies, the People will only be pushed so far before they push back.

Kick it Till it Breaks
Conversely, the growing ranks of leftists in Congress, some 80 of whom are openly members of the Socialist Party of America's Congressional Progressive Caucus, led by Reps. Raúl Grijalva (D-AZ) and Keith Ellison (D-MN), subscribe to the notion that government is both the engine and the drive train of our nation's economy.
But if Essential Liberty and Rule of Law as enshrined in our Constitution are to survive, then free enterprise must be their economic engine. At present, however, that engine is attempting to pull an ever more bloated government trailer -- a trailer so overloaded as to bring the economy to a dead stop.

Obama's government programs will amass a $1.3 trillion deficit in fiscal year 2011 alone, some $400 billion more than the paltry $917 billion in savings to which Congress agreed over the next decade under the recent budget deal and corresponding debt-ceiling increase.

This oppressive bloat -- and our elected leaders' utterly inadequate response to it -- will serve as fodder for much of the political debate ahead of the 2012 election. Indeed, the future of Liberty depends on the successful defeat of enough congressional leftists to provide strong conservative majorities in both the House and Senate. Moreover, Liberty hangs in the balance of the upcoming presidential election. While conservatives recaptured the House of Representatives in 2010, the first effective step to restrain Obama's agenda, only a conservative president can begin to undo the damage done to our nation by the Obama regime.

As John Adams once warned, we must be vigilantly on guard against all contagions that would "infect the purity of our free, fair, virtuous, and independent elections."

These contagions, these obstacles, are as follows, roughly in order of threat magnitude: an ignorant electorate; candidates who are unable to articulate the difference between Rule of Law and rule of men; institutionalized dependency on the state, including the fact that 40 percent of Americans pay no federal income tax; forced redistribution of wealth; comfort, complacency and indifference; Leftmedia dezinformatsia; opposition by the leftist elite; and, finally, the conferring of legal status upon illegal immigrants in order to fortify Democrat voter constituencies illegitimately.

A majority of Americans are beneficiaries of some combination of thousands of government schemes to redistribute wealth. The resulting institutionalized dependency on the state is insidious, as it results in reliable votes for whichever party (read: the Democrat Party) can take the most from one group and redistribute it to another. It's no wonder that the most recent Index of Dependence on Government (2010) reports the greatest single-year percentage rise in dependence since 1976.

The redistribution of wealth, promise of citizenship and many other programs are how the American socialists are pandering to the lower class. Obama pushing the DREAM Act through is just on e example of a government promoting policy that is in direct opposition to the will of the governed People. Just wrap socialism up in a pretty package and stick a simple logo on it. Eventually, the People learn that the end result is that we all lose, some just lose sooner than others, while the elite ride the wave to the very end.


The forced redistribution of wealth pushed the Cost of Government Day to 12 August this year, which means that the average American tax payer must now work 224 days to fund all taxes, and hidden regulatory taxes, imposed by the central government. That date is 27 days later than in 2008, and it now consumes more than 60 percent of national earned income. There are endless regulatory costs on the horizon, such as Obama's new fuel economy standards which according to a study conducted by the Center for Automotive Research, will increase the average retail price of motor vehicles more than $11,000.
Does anyone still believe that this direction is a sustainable path. Infinite growth is a myth. Our economy is tanking. Our banking industry is seeing giants fall on a regular basis. It's hard not to think pessimistically, but how can this continue?
The question remains: Are we irrevocably locked into the Cycle of Democracy? Recall that this evolves from bondage to spiritual faith; spiritual faith to great courage; courage to Liberty (Rule of Law); Liberty to abundance; abundance to complacency; complacency to apathy; apathy to dependence; and from dependence back into bondage (rule of men).

At the close of the first American Revolution, George Washington wrote, "No country upon earth ever had it more in its power to attain these blessings [of Liberty] than United America. Wondrously strange, then, and much to be regretted indeed would it be, were we to neglect the means and to depart from the road which Providence has pointed us to so plainly; I cannot believe it will ever come to pass."

We have already veered from that road. Is there time to use the ballot box to attain a new dawn for Liberty, or are we destined to dependence and bondage, which will require another renewal of faith and courage?


It is not that America provides too much freedom that socialism has taken root, but that Americans have not stood up together against this infection, defeating it as we did the English who caused us to seek freedom, resulting in the creation of this free nation. The first American Revolution created something wonderful. What will the second bring? Will we recognize the teachings of our Founders as being the path of survival? Or will we collapse like Russia? I know this music, let's change the beat.

It is not until you have lost everything that you are free to do anything 


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