14 March 2012

The Fifth World | Mayan and Hopi 2012 Prophecies

Hundreds of years before the birth of Christ, a thousand years before the 13th century Dresden Codex and the 16th century Popol Vul, hundreds of ancient chambers were sealed in the lands we now know as the Maya lands. These chambers were constructed in a profoundly sacred manner. Their purpose was beyond what we can conceive at this time. These chambers were sealed to lock in certain information and alchemical energy. Once a sacred seal was broken in any one of these chambers, the energy locked inside would be released into the world. All of this was meticulously planned out. The ancient ones did all of this for us who live in this time.

One such chamber has been opened. Although there are hundreds of such chambers throughout the Maya lands, this one has particular significance to the transformational times humanity is upon. We are in the last days of a 104 thousand year cycle. This chamber held the knowledge of Four Worlds; Four Worlds of 104 thousand years each. The last of these Four Worlds is the one we are presently in. In this chamber there is a hint of the Fifth World that we are at the brink of entering. It hints at how we get to the Fifth World, and what we might expect when we get there.

This chamber lies deep in the jungles of Peten, Guatemala in a Maya site called San Bartolo. It has been reopened. We don't know exactly when the seal was cracked. It is possible that it was opened as early as the year 2001 by grave robbers. They didn't understand the significance of the chamber that they hammered into; they were only looking for treasure . . . for jade. Little did they know that the treasure was not in the material objects that they were hoping to find. The treasure was the energy. The echo of this energy, this truth, is in the remains of magnificent murals. These are considered the oldest Maya murals to be uncovered to date. 
THE PROPHECY OF THE FIFTH WORLD - Year 2012 - tribe.net

Prophecy Rock

An ancient petroglyph called the Hopi Prophecy Rock depicts three individuals, representing three preceding Worlds, or epochs in which people have traveled a "Two-hearted" path where people thought only with their heads, not their hearts. The fourth figure is our present unsustainable "Fourth World" that is about to be destroyed by Cosmic Lightning.
We are the figure to the left who must now choose between remaining unbalanced and descending into conflict and destruction, or start thinking with our hearts and thus return to the One-hearted path that leds to survival in harmony with Nature and our Cosmic Kin.

Maya mythology is part of Mesoamerican mythology and comprises all those Mayan tales in which personified forces of nature, deities, and the heroes interacting with these play the main roles.

Mesoamerican creation myths are the collection of creation myths attributed to, or documented for, the various cultures and civilizations of pre-Columbian Mesoamerica.

According to the legends of the Maya, the polytheistic Mayan gods, referred to as the Supreme Creator god Hunab Ku, created four new worlds, rebuilding the landscape four times after deluges had poured from the mouth of the sky serpent. What this legend refers to are four times where god Hunab Ku acted as a benefactor and mentor to the souls inhabiting the physical plane bodies of the people known as the Maya. The Popol Vuh gives a sequence of four efforts at creation. First were animals, then wet clay, wood, then last, the creation of the first ancestors from maize dough.

The polytheistic Mayan gods included Kukulkán (also known by the Aztec name Quetzalcoatl) and Tepeu. The two were referred to as the Creators, the Forefathers or the Makers. According to the story, the two gods decided to preserve their legacy by creating an Earth-bound species looking like them. The first attempt was the animal world. The second attempt was man made from mud (2nd world), but Tepeu and Kukulkán found that the mud crumbled. The two gods summoned the other gods, and together they decided to make man from wood (3rd world). However, since these men had no soul and soon lost loyalty to the creators, the gods destroyed them by rain. Finally, man was constructed from maize, (4th world) the Mayans staple and sacred food.

Depending on which myth you read, the Fifth World is either the present world or the next world, in several Native American beliefs which center around a cyclical understanding of time. According to both Native American Hopi mythology and Maya mythology, the current world we inhabit is the "Fourth World." In both belief systems, time is cyclical, and the end of one world is the beginning of the next. For the Hopi, the end of the fourth world is marked by the arrival of Pahana, or the lost "White Brother." The Maya calendar charts out this progression through astrology, concluding that the current, fourth world will end sometime near the December solstice in 2012 (dates vary based on interpretation).

The Aztecs held similar beliefs, but they believed we are currently in the fifth world, and that it is the sixth world that is to arrive next.

The coming Fifth World (where our present World is presented as the Fourth) is said to arrive following a cycle in nature affecting our entire Solar System, where our Earth births an egg (Mystery Egg, Hidden Egg) and then moves "up" within our system to reach its crowning place. All of the Earth's life is then said to be "raised" to its perfected-eternal form. Some tribes refer to this period of change as "Purification Time." During this period of purification, time is said to change where we must choose between the natural Time we have now upon our Earth (meant for us) and an unnatural time structure which removes us from nature and our opportunity to reach the Fifth World. It is told that everyone will have to choose between the two time frames—one leading to the Fifth World with our Earth, and the other (which will be very alluring, deceiving many) which will remove us from our Earth, taking us to oblivion.

Each Mayan World Age lasts 5125.36 years or 1,872,000 days, and there are five such periods totaling the Mayan Great Year of 25,626.83 years. We are now at the end of the 4th Mayan World which began August 13th, 3113 BC -supposedly around the time of the Great Flood of Noah.

Mayan Fifth World (Native American mythology)

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