02 March 2012

Bernanke’s B.S. Bludgeons Bullion

Gold and silver prices plummet because the U.S. economy is so healthy that the Federal Reserve won't have to print any more money, and so there won't be any more inflation. Lol! While it made good fiction for the mainstream pablum-dispensers, it certainly has no connection whatsoever with the real world.

The U.S. economy is "healthy"? As I have pointed out on previous occasions, 0% interest rates are nothing less than an economic defibrillator – a (temporary) desperation measure to attempt to breathe life into a dying economy. Permanent 0% interest rates simply mean that economy is already dead, as we have seen with Japan. All that remains to be done is to put these zombie-economies out of their misery, through debt-default followed by massive restructuring.

The US economy is DOA at this point, but state media will continue to promote spending calling this a recovery. 

As I have stressed in my recent commentaries, it is also beyond absurd for B.S. Bernanke to pretend that the Federal Reserve has ceased its money-printing orgy. The gravity-defying U.S. Treasuries market provides conclusive, mathematical proof that such a claim is tantamount to an admission of massive fraud.

And that printing drives the dollar's value down, leading us to the hyperinflation the USSR experienced before its collapse. 

Maximum bond prices at a time of maximum supply defies every economic principle in the books. Maximum bond prices at a time of maximum supply, when the largest buyer (China) has been selling Treasuries for more than a year, when the "economic surpluses" which financed Treasuries-buying have nearly vanished, when Treasuries auctions have been rigged so that no one knows who the buyers are, and at a time when the U.S. economy is obviously and hopelessly insolvent defies legality.

Someone, somehow is financing the totally opaque purchases of $trillions in U.S. Treasuries, and the list of suspects is rather short: the Federal Reserve. If the Fed is not financing those purchases with its officially/legitimately created funny-money then in must be doing so in some less-than-legitimate manner.

More broadly speaking, it demonstrates the terminal stupidity of the entire mainstream media that they could believe anyone claiming there will be little-to-no-inflation, in a world of deadbeat-debtors – who can only continue to finance their economic Ponzi-schemes through exponentially increasing their money-printing (and thus diluting their currencies, and thus producing inevitable inflation).

The only other mathematically-possible scenario is debt-default: bonds immediately going to zero (or close to it). Otherwise, exponential money-printing takes the underlying currencies to zero, also making the bonds worthless. Either way we are 100% certain to get to the same result. Paying maximum prices for any of these paper time-bombs goes well past idiocy and all the way to deliberate economic suicide.

Read the rest : http://bullionbullscanada.com/gold-commentary/24364-bernankes-bs-bludgeons-bullion

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