19 October 2012

A Paradigm Shift

Here's something interesting that came across my radar recently regarding the idea of social security through the state's monopoly on force.

A generation or two ago, the labor class supported retires through taxation at a ratio of maybe a dozen or so workers for each retiree. The economy was stable and, despite the moral bankruptcy of the idea of forced redistribution, it was a rather sustainable proposition.

Today, the ratio is nearly 3:1 laborers to retires. Yet both halves of the single-party system that runs the state offers no more solutions beyond quantitative easing. They just keep diluting an unsustainable system.

But we suffer as a society and become weaker collectively, and we inch closer to a complete collapse. Yet that collapse might be just the wake-up and reset we need to fix the failure we have been force-fed for hundreds of years.

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