09 May 2012

Senior obama Adviser Defends Class Warfare By Quoting Karl Marx

Karl Marx SC 249x300 Senior Obama Adviser Defends Class Warfare By Quoting Karl Marx

Class war is not just inevitable but justifiable writes Rick Bookstaber, who serves on the Obama administraiton’s Financial Stability Oversight Council.
I wonder if he thinks those Occupy Wall Street protesters breaking out the glass of banks is “justifiable.”
Today's flavor of state socialism is not the big bad Red Scare we had with the commies in the 1950s. We had no justification to fear Russian people, but the fear of central government dictating who has the right to succeed in society really undermines individual liberty in a bad way. Obama's efforts to move forward holding those old failed principles that led to the collapse of the USSR are simply misguided.
Rick Bookstaber, who currently serves on the Financial Stability Oversight Council, the federal body established under the Dodd-Frank Act to “ensure the stability of our nation’s financial system,” took issue with conservative commentator Tucker Carlson’s accusations that liberals were engaging in “class warfare” by seeking to blame the nation’s fiscal problems on a small number of wealthy individuals.
The blame needs to be laid back at the feet of those central planners who believe themselves omnipotent enough to force society to bend against their will, removing personal choice.
“There is little that matches the artfulness of the rich in waving off criticism of the widening income gap as ‘class warfare,’” Bookstaber wrote. “And there is little that matches the gullibility of the rest in following along.”
So, sinking to their level and using force to extract their wealth against the principles of non-aggression and personal property is justified? That is never excusable in a free society, but has happened in totalitarian regimes such as existed in Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Communist Russia. Is that the direction the American state wishes to "progress" despite history proving that path leading only to failure?
“I am not picking sides in this war,” he added, “but I believe such a war is justifiable, and indeed ultimately inevitable.”

Senior obama Adviser Defends Class Warfare By Quoting Karl Marx « THE WAKING GIANT

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