31 August 2013

Rising Sea Level Over Time

From the Coaches Hot Seat Blog 2013:
As everyone knows by now, because the Chicken Little “the world is coming to and end environmental” crowd could get the mainstream media to cover them if they were taking a piss, the theory behind global warming is that because of the amount of CO2 that the US and other countries have been putting into the atmosphere in the past 100 years or so, that the CO2 along with other “greenhouse gases” is warming the air and the oceans at a constant pace and thus the sea level is rising.  What the Chicken Little crowd conveniently forgets to tell people is that the sea level around the globe has been rising at a fairly constant rate for the last 6,000 years (between 4 inches and foot a century) and in fact has been rising at an almost constant rate for the last 18,000 years.  Take a look at this map from the U.S. Geological Survey of Sea Level Rise Since the Last Glaciation (18,000 years ago) in the San Francisco Bay area:   As you can see, the “beach” in San Francisco 18,000 years ago was about 50 miles out to sea and all of this sea level rise happened at a very constant rate, in fact the same rate the sea level is rising right now, well before Man even considered putting CO2 into the air.  How can that possibly be?  How can Man be responsible for sea level rise today by all of the CO2 we are putting into the air that the Chicken Little crowd claims is warming the oceans and thus is causing the sea level to rise, when the sea level has been rising at a constant rate for 18,000 years?  Confused at how the Chicken Little crowd gets around to blaming all of us for sea level rise?  We are too, but when there is $$$ involved, and that is really what this is “global warming” is really about ($$$), taking money out of our pockets and putting into other people’s pockets, nothing really surprises us in this debate.

18 August 2013

Empire Building, Fiat Currencies and the Future

The first step to recovery...

Every great empire collapse eventually, there is no escaping this eventuality. Rome is probably the greatest example of this type of collapse.

The first stage of this collapse (though not necessarily sequential) is monetary debasement. Rome diluted it Dinarius to the point that it would no longer accept the government currency as payment for its own taxes.

The second stage of collapse is empire building. When combined with the debasement of currency, the act of spreading thin the resources of society guarantee the collapse from which no society can escape, but there is another way.

Agorism is the effort to return to a market system in which people engage in voluntary exchanges for mutual benefit without the encumberance of the state. By returning to an economic system in which few regard the state as legitimate or necessary, we can return to a thriving, productive society in which everyone benefits, but none benefit at the expense of others.

05 August 2013

Exposing War Crimes is not a Crime

"Military prosecutors claimed that PFC Bradley Manning was guilty of "aiding the enemy." A federal judge dismissed that charge—the most serious of the lot—but the army intelligence analyst still faces many other counts, which could keep him behind bars for the rest of his life. The key ethical question, one that may be debated for decades to come, is this: Was Manning's unauthorized distribution of war videos, diplomatic cables, and top-secret documents to the WikiLeaks organization treasonous—or was it legitimate whistleblowing? According to Independent Institute Research Fellow Anthony Gregory, the author of The Power of Habeas Corpus in America, the latter label applies: Manning did Americans a favor by exposing war crimes—such as the execution of ten innocent civilians in Ishaqui, Iraq, in 2006, and the use of air strikes to cover up any evidence."

"War criminality ranks among the most important types of government wrongdoing warranting transparency," Gregory writes in the Daily Caller. "The American people need to understand what U.S. occupations are like."

"As Gregory notes, Barack Obama might have agreed with that assessment way back in 2008: During his first presidential campaign Sen. Obama called for greater transparency and protection for government whistleblowers. But you can't find statements to that effect on the Oval Office website—they've recently been removed. Perhaps that's because the White House is embarrassed by the dramatic difference between Obama's original promises and the current reality—that the Obama administration is prosecuting twice as many people for leaking classified information under the Espionage Act as all previous administrations combined. Gregory continues: "This is the administration: Nearly unparalleled secrecy, daily scandals, a surveillance state unbound by law, unilateral presidential wars, indefinite detention, the power to kill any terrorist suspect anywhere without a hint of due process, a politicized regulatory state collecting limitless data and harassing political opponents at home, and the persecution of whistleblowers using an anachronistic law from the darkest days of American civil liberty."


It is quite unfortunate that the Obama we have today is nearly the polar opposite of the one that captured the hope of so many, while bringing more of the same politics as his predecessors. The more things change...